Chrysler Repair: 97 Grand voyager has no backup lights, neutral safety switch, wire colors
QuestionJust recently i have no backup lights, I checked the fuse (which is ok) and I replaced the bulbs (no luck). Kinda at a loss could you give me some suggestions?
AnswerHi Graham,
Earlier this week you asked me a question about a problem with you vehicle. Now I need to ask a favor of you. I am competing for the honor of being the "Expert of the Month" for December. You can help me by going the the 'thank/rate' tab below and look for the question that asks if you think I should be so-honored. If you would select the 'yes' option I would be most appreciative. Please do this before 6pm CST tomorrow, New Year's Eve when the competition ends. I wish that your Chrysler vehicle is running well and gives you good service in the New Year!
Hi Graham,
My '98 manual show a simple circuit from fuse 12 under the dash to the park/neutral safety switch which is part of the transmission range sensor that is located inside the transmission. I believe there is a black 10-way plug at the base of vertical gear shift rod which contains the wires for the switch. The incoming power from the fuse is on pin 1 white wire, and the outgoing power when reverse is selected in on pin 6 violet/black. You could measure for voltage by using a pin to pierce the wires' insulation while you have the ignition in the run position, or remove the plug and check for continuity between the pins listed above. The violet/black is routed directly to the rear of the van. Please let me know if you don't find this to be the case as the '97 might have a separate switch mounted on the right rear corner of the trans with the same wire colors, and that switch is removable for easier replacement.
PS Please use the 'thank/rate' tab to get back to me with the results. Also, if I could ask a favor, while you are at that tab please notice the question about 'nomination to be expert of the month' and give me a 'yes' if I am deserving. Thanks in advance.