Chrysler Repair: Chrysler 2001 Lxi Coupe Odometer not working, sebring coupe, electronic type

Hi- It seems like the instrument cluster may be problematic in these cars (seen previous question on Sebring). I have a 2001 Sebring Coupe Lxi and the odometer works only between 0-20 deg F sometimes. I've checked all the fuses and have tried checking all wire connections. They all seem tight and in good order. I'm thinking it's the little white control box above the steering column just behind the speedometer, but was wondering if you could provide some insight as to getting thing thing out without tearing apart the entire dash. Or had any other place to look. Also, the lights on the rearview mirror sometimes don't work, but this is just a loose connection.
It's tough being a road car in the country. Thanks - A

Hi Andrea,
Earlier this week you asked me a question about a problem with you vehicle. Now I need to ask a favor of you. I am competing for the honor of being the "Expert of the Month" for December. You can help me by going the the 'thank/rate' tab below and look for the question that asks if you think I should be so-honored. If you would select the 'yes' option I would be most appreciative. Please do this before 6pm CST tomorrow, New Year's Eve when the competition ends. I wish that your Chrysler vehicle is running well and gives you good service in the New Year!

Hi Andrea,
If the speedometer is working then the lack of function of the odometer has to be internal to the cluster itself. The signal that drives the speedometer (the output speed sensor) is the only source of data for the odometer. Let me know if things are otherwise (e.g. neither the speedo nor the odo work). I presume that the odometer appears to be a digital electronic type of readout, not something mechanical as in the 'good old days', correct?
PS Use the 'thank/rate tab to get back to me with information/question rather than waiting for me to be available to take your question. While you are there if you would be so kind as to enter a 'yes' to the question about a nomination to be 'expert of the month?' I would appreciate that. Thanks in advance.