Chrysler Repair: 2003 town &country van power steering pump, power steering pump, xerox copy
Questionhow do you remove the power steering pump thanks
AnswerHi Tony,
The procedure depends upon which engine you have in the van. So I need to know that. But as I look over the manual, the procedure has so many steps that the only practical way to give you the information is to xerox copy and postal mail them to you. I can do this today, but I need your mailing address. Use the "thank/rate" tab below to get back with which engine and a mailing address, without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question. There is a space for comments. While you are there, if you would be so kind as to answer "yes" where the question of 'nomination for expert of the month' appears, I would appreciate that very much.