QuestionHi Roland,
My 1998, 2.5L V6, Chrysler Cirrus has had loud tapping noise issues. I suspect from heavier, and dirty oil before I got the vehicle.
I removed the front valve cover and found that 3 of the lash adjusters situated inside the rocker arms (surprise!) had very minor physical damage and sponginess. Everything else looked O.K.
Haynes written procedure for the V6 2.5L is to replace the adjuster/rockers as a unit. On a 2.0L in the same manual, it shows the same unit (and picture) with procedures for independent replacement.
What would be possible ramifications for replacing just the faulty lash adjusters and NOT the rocker arms in a V6 2.5L?
Thank you for any help,
AnswerHi Wes,
I believe you have a semantic confusion here. The lash adjuster/rocker is an 'assembly' in the Chrysler service manual, not all of the the assemblies on a given shaft would have to be replaced because 3 were spongy (as I read the manual). The Haynes takes a bit more conservative viewpoint and suggests replacing any that show signs and possibly all if you have valve noise in general. If the tapping sounds to be the result of some but not all (or nearly all) then I believe that replacing the obvious ones would be sufficient. The only ramification of not replacing all the assemblies is that you would have residual noise possibilities that could worsen. If you are willing to take that risk, then just do the obvious ones.
I believe that you may only be able to buy the rocker/adjuster as an 'assembly' so it may be out of the question to just do the adjusters alone. In any case the service manual says to replace both parts (the whole 'assembly') because the adjuster and the rocker are precision fit and thus need to be used as the manufactured unit.
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