Questioni just want to know what should i do if there's no power in my car chrysler concorde 1997
AnswerHi Sean,
I wonder how things worked out with getting the battery power to you Concorde? You can report back if you like by the 'thank/rate' tab below, without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question. While you are there, if my answer was helpful I would appreciate a vote of 'yes' for the 'nomination to be expert of the month'. I am in a close race for that honor so every vote is helful. Thanks in advance.
Hi Sean,
By no power I assume you mean no evidence of anything electrical, correct? No interior courtesy lights, no emergency flashers, nothing when you turn the key, etc.
If that is the case the possibilities are that the battery is completely discharged due to a short circuit, or due to the battery failing internally due to age or a short circuit, OR that the one of the two main battery connecting wires has lost connection at the battery or at the other end of the wire. Check whether the battery clamps are tight at the battery terminals, being careful when handling the + post clamp not to touch any piece of car metal with your wrench. The - post clamp has three wires so I would expect at least one of those to be properly connected so that you wouldn't lose all power for that reason. Check the connection of the wires to that clamp and the + post clamp as well. There are several wires on the + post clamp so again it is doubtful that all are bad. My belief is that one of the two clamps is loose on its battery terminal or that the battery is discharged.
How old is the battery? If it is at the end of its warranty that would be a good reason to think it needs to be replaced. Otherwise remove it and get it recharged. If the battery has a number of years left on its warranty, then I would get it recharged and I can then instruct you on how to find the short that caused the discharge. You will need an ohm-meter to do measurement.
Those are my suggestions.
PS Use the 'thank/rate' tab to get back to me for a follow-up question, without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question. There is a space for comments, to which I will reply.