Chrysler Repair: part throttle unlock solenoid: three-speed automatic trans, dodge neon, chrysler dealer

QUESTION: what is PTU SOL and where do i get it  2000 dodge neon

ANSWER: Hi Chad,
That has to do with the torque converter lock up function on a three-speed automatic transmission. It is located inside the transmission but is actuate/de-actuated by a two-wire connector that plugs into the side of the transmission and is controllws by the engine computer in response to your stepping on the gas when cruising above 45 mph or automatically when your speed rised above 40 mph. The plug is adjacent to the vertical shift rod on the side of the trans and has a dark green/white and orange/black wire. Start by checking to be sure the plug is in the socket and the wires are not heat-damaged. Also notice whether the torque converter unlocks when you try to accelerate when going above 45, and also whether it locks when you are accelerating at about 40 when you should notice a slight decrease in rpm (like a 1/2 upshift) which is the feel when the lockup occurs.
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i know about the lock up sol. i dont need the 2 pronged one i need the 3 pronged one located to the right of the 2 pronged and where can i buy this from

Hi Chad,
My belief is that a Chrysler dealer's parts counter would be the only place to find that plug. If they don't have a replacement then your only choice would be to get one from wreck and splice the wiring to restore the connections.
PS If you would be so kind as to use the "thank/rate" tab below to give me a nomination as 'expert of the month' for November I would be most appreciative. Where you see "nomination?" just change the 'no' to a 'yes'. Thanks