Chrysler Repair: 02 Concorde Starting, diog, computer issue
QuestionQUESTION: I have an 02 Concorde. That I just had the 2 sensors 1 was a Crankshaft and the other and Throttle Positioning. Now the car will start with no problem. Then if the car sits for a few hours it will crank just not start. Then if you wait about 10 or so more minutes it will start fine. Any ideas?
ANSWER: why did u have the other 2 sensor replaced ?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ok so you think the not starting is due to one of the Sensors? And there is no other issue with the car?
Answernever said that I can not make a good diog because I am not there I can only go off what U have told me and thats it. From what U have said U have replaced the crank and TPS sensor due to codes. Simple common sense was it doing what it is doing now b4 the sensor were replaced?? if no then it was cause by the sensors being replaced if yes then it real issue never was the sensors but maybe a wire issue or computer issue.