Chrysler Repair: 1987 Fifth Ave intermittent start problem, front wheel drive, rear wheel drive

Every once in a while the car will not crank, it may go months between times. Is this more likely to be a switch problem or the relay. It has done it thru a couple of starters which were replaced when they failed.

Hi Don,
Is the '87 5th Ave. a front wheel drive vehicle and does it have fuel injection and a engine contol computer module? My '87 front wheel drive manual doesn't show there to be a 5th Ave, for that year. Let me know so that I know what I am trying to help you with. I do have a rear wheel drive manual for earlier in the 80's that might apply if that were the case. Thanks for letting me know and also do tell me the engine size that you have (L of cu. in.) and whether it is carburetted or fuel injected.
PS Use the 'thank/rate' to get back to me with the answers to my questions without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question.