Chrysler Repair: 1991 Chrysler alarm system removal, chryslr, engine controller
QuestionHey, do you know how to disconnect the security system? Its on a 1991 Chryslr New Yorker with a 3.3 engine.
AnswerHi Richard,
You are in luck because the system has a unique control module that can be disconnected. It is located above the glove box. Begin by removing the silencer pad on the underside of the dash, then remove the screws that surround the door box opening so you can drop down the glove box proper. You will see a bracket that goes across the top of the opening which has one or more modules on it. Remove the screws that hold the bracket so you can get at the module and its plug. NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT: START THE ENGINE AND HAVE IT RUNNING WHEN YOU REMOVE ITS 21-PIN NATURAL COLOR PLUG FROM THE THEFT MODULE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE ENGINE RUNNING WHEN YOU PULL THE PLUG THE ENGINE CONTROLLER WILL SHUT DOWN THE ENGINE FROM RUNNING UNLESS YOU HAVE IT TOWED TO A DEALER TO BE 'CLEARED'!
That is it.
Best of luck. Newer models' theft systems can't be so easily removed in any permanent manner.