Chrysler Repair: 1989 2.5 literturbo plymouth voyager minivan, plymouth voyager, variable position
Questionmy windsheld wiper switch quit working . I checked the fuses they all look good this van sat for a whole year not useed is therany way i can test the wiper moter to make sure it is okay or could the switch be failing
AnswerHi Philip,
The wiper switch can be checked for continuity: after you unplug it: in off there should be continuity between L and p2
low p1 and L
high p1 and H
delay p1 and i2
i2 and g
delay variable r and i1*
*the resistance in the slowest variable position should be about 300,000 ohm, in the fastest variable should be close to 0 ohms in the high ohm scale.
If the switch passes, then try to apply voltage to the H and then the L post wires of the plug by means of a jumper to the wiper fuse so as to test the motor.
If that doesn't work then go to the motor and try a separate ground for the ground (black wire) and retry the jumps. If it finally works then clean up the ground wire connection to its ground