Chrysler Repair: 1999/00 Neon running/tail/dash/shifter lights, amp fuses, volt ohm meter
QuestionQUESTION: The running, tail and interior dash and shift handle lights will not turn on when the handle is rotated ( Dome lights work). Checked all the fuses we could find in the car removed the CD player but could not find any shorts or loose wires do you have any idea what could cause this?
ANSWER: Hi Simone,
Did you check fuse 3 (40 amp) in the power distribution box under the hood in the engine compartment? Look at it carefully as it could have a crack in its wire, not just be frankly blown. If that is OK then write back and tell me what you mean by "running" lights.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: checked the 40 amp fuses in the box withe an ohmmeter both checked good. The running lights are the smaller yellow head light that comes on before you click the handle all the way over for full headlights.
AnswerThat clarification is helpful...
Check fuse 2 in the fuse box under the dash. That one powers all the lights you speak of. If it is blown and continues to blow, then we will need to troubleshoot the wiring/bulbs. If you don't have a volt-ohm meter you can at least do a bulb/socket inspection, but let me know and we can go on from there.