Chrysler Repair: 1999 Sebring jxi: cruise control problem, plug sockets, speed sensors

My cruise control just goes off after a few seconds when I set it. No cruise lite in dash and I cannot turn it back on until the ignition switch is turned off and back on. I replaced the servo, ECM and input and output speed sensors. There are no codes recorded. What can it be? Its driving me crazy.

Hi Jack,
I just found your earlier question in the question "pool". I would wonder if you might have a flaky connection of the flexible connector between the steering column and the steering wheel. There are two wires that couple to the cruise control switch, either one of which might be intermittent. You could check this theory out by going to the body control module under the dash which is coupled to the fuse box, on the side of that unit are several plug/sockets. One of those black 16-pin combos will have a red/light green wire on pin 3 (I believe it would be the smaller plug that you would want to do the test with, but if that doesn't prove out then check its mate on the larger socket). The other wire from the clocksping will be found at pin 22 of the white 22-pin plug at that same location. If you put an ohmmeter between 3 and 22 and then operate the cruise control switch you should find that it will be alternatively: connected/
showing one of 3 or 4 different resistance value, as you choose the different buttons on the control. After you select each one, try moving the steering wheel to see if the reading is intermittent, etc. It might also be a problem with the switch contacts themselves if you find that moving the steering wheel back and forth doesn't make for flaky readings. The  flexible clockspring connector is a common source of problems like this, and the horn, etc.
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