Chrysler Repair: 2002 Intrepid 2.7 L solenoid pack replacement., solenoid pack, document scanner

I just asked another expert, because I couldn't find you.  lol  So I hope this doesn't repeat in the forum.

I just went to replace the solenoid in the tranny of my 2002 intrepid.  When I took the valve body apart 4 bearings and a small U shaped clip.  I think I have found the location of the bearings, but have no ideea how to hold them in place, while replacing the transfer plate.  I can't find the location of the clip either.  

I am lost, and can't afford a tow to the tranny shop, but it may be my only option at this point.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Steve,
Looking at the overall valve body drawings for this transmission's valve body, I see 4 locations for "ball checks" (actually possibly 5, but the ones shown at numbered 2-5). Those may be where the bearings go. The only item shown that has a U-shaped clip is the low/reverse switch valve which mounts thru a hole in the side of the valve body, the most-in-the-center hole of that "side" of the body (but not the center hole of the three holes). The L/R switch valve has 2 pistons and then the clip is the last piece that goes into the hole. I don't have a document scanner so can't send you a visual, but let me know if you think this is what you have but don't know where it goes. The clip is U shaped with a flat bottom of the U and a squiggle on each of the arms of the U.
The end hole of the three holes on the same side is the T/C limit valve and it has a long spring and what look like a flat U-shaped flange that goes in last.
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