Chrysler Repair: Brake lights wont work with taillights on, lighting module, inner fender

when my taillights are on my brake lights don't work.  they work fine when the taillights aren't on. I have a 2001 Sebring.

Hi Mary,
That is an interesting problem. After looking into the system I see that there is what appears to be an electronic device in the trunk called a "combined rear lighting module" that sorts out the various lighting possibilities in order to reduce the wiring complexity. It may be that the module has failed. It appears that the brake light mounted in the rear center high position by-passes this module so perhaps it is just the lower side-mounted brake lights that don't work?* It is possible that all three brake lights may fail too, so don't count on that possibility as being corroborative of my theory.
In any case, my suspicion is that either that module has failed, or alternatively that one of the tail light bulbs may be short circuited. So first make sure that the "running" and tail lights are all functional and if not, then change out the failed bulb.
If those are all ok then I would check with a dealer parts counter to see if that module ('combined rear lighting') is reasonably priced. If it is and you want to avoid labor charges to investigate and possibly change the module then I would buy it and install it yourself. It is mounted on the upper rear corner of the left inner fender housing (the bulge where the left rear tire is located). It has a black 9-pin plug with a tab that you lift gently with your finger tip to release it from the module socket.
That is my initial suggestion on how to deal with this one. I haven't heard of it before.
PS Please let me know what you learn. You can use the "thank/rate" tab to get back to me without waiting for me to be 'available' for a question.
*You could verify that when you pull the plug on the module that the rear high-mounted brake light still is working, even when you have the tail lights on. If it does, then it has to be something with the module or a shorted running bulb. If it doesn't, then it has to be something in the brake light circuit of to that point (which I doubt is the case).