Chrysler Repair: 98 Plymouth Grand Voyager - dies after 3 seconds, plymouth grand voyager, soldering pencil

I have replaced the BCM and it worked great for three days. Now it has rained and its is going through the same problems. When you turn the key to start I hear the fuel pump and the systems check indicators(upper dashboard) go through their normal sequence, however the odometer and the gear drive indicator, and gauges do not function. The engine starts but dies after three seconds. I tried the various techniques to disable the alarm system, but when I turn the key the indicators state that the alarm is set. I tried disconnecting the battery, but still no change. I checked the gauges fuse and the shutdown relay and they show continuity. I am not sure what pins (Pin #) to test the data transmission to the instrument cluster. Please let me know what you think. Now that I look back all my electrical issues were weather related.


Hi John,
The plug socket on the insturment cluster printed circuit board would be worth looking into. Pins 9 and 10 are the data bus connection wires, while pins 7 and 13 are grounds. Look at the solder joints between those pins and the circuit board and try reheating them with a soldering pencil in case you may have a 'cold' solder joint. Let me know if this does or doesn't solve the issue and we can go further into the wiring diagrams as needed.