Chrysler Repair: 1996 Cirrus: theft alarm problem, cirrus lxi, power door locks
QuestionQUESTION: Just recently the alarm on my 1996 cirrus lxi has been activating. It shuts off the fuel and even after I use my key in the door it will not disarm all the time.Is there a way to disarm this or is the module bad? How can I fix this?
ANSWER: Hi Larry,
Probably the disarm switch contacts at the key are bad or the wire is flaky. There is an identical set-up on the passenger side door so that is an alternative place to disarm. If neither disarms, then you have to go to the body computer and ground/unground either the dark green/orange or light green/orange wire at pin 20 or 19 of the black plug. If you want to avoid the issure entirely, just don't ever use the door key, the power door locks, or the remote to secure the vehicle. Just use the hand-operated push-buttons and the alarm will not set. Other than tracing the wires and repairing them or the switch contacts there is no way to disable the system, other than not using it. Let me know if you want details on finding the body computer, it is attached to the fuse block under the dash on the driver side of the vehicle.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I checked the wires at the black plug with a ohm meter. They were not grounded. Should I slice in the wire and ground it while it is plugged in?Can the door switches be disabled? If so how?
AnswerHi Larry,
You would not find those two wires to be 'grounded' as they sit there, just "floating" with whatever voltage is present on the input to that partiuclar solid-state sensor in the body computer. The wire on pin 19 is from the driver's key lock, and on 20 is from the passenger's. And I made one mistake: when you move the key to the lock position you would see a voltage that is less the 12V and then when you move it to unlock position you would see a differnt voltage, but when the key is in the neutral position you would see that float voltage, if any. So forget the idea of 'grounding' it as a way to clear the armed setting; you have to provide the proper voltage pulse, then turn it off. I don't have the two voltage sizes, as it is determined by two resistors whose size are not given in the diagrams. If you don't see the voltage pulses, then the 12V wire to the switch or back from the switch to the body computer is "open". Just use the push button door locks to avoid the issue or repair the wires would be the only solutions.