Chrysler Repair: How to drain cooling system: 2.5L V-6, Cirrus, Stratus

Can you tell me how to drain the cooling system of a vehicle with the 2.5L V-6 engine?

Hi Tre,
To do that you need a pan to catch the coolant, a 19 mm socket and a 3" long extension (and perhaps a universal flex joint for ease) and a ratchet handle to turn that assembly. The drain is at the lower right (passenger side) corner of the radiator on the back side of it (the engine side). The draincock is at the bottom of a tube and not readily seen so you have to insert the socket assembly to get to it.
To properly drain all the coolant, start the engine, then set the heater/ac controls to the Heat position. Then turn off the engine. Leave the radiator cap in place. Then insert the 19mm socket and extension into the hole that hides the draincock located at the lower right corner of the radiator. Then turn the extension with a ratchet counterclockwise to open the draincock and allow the fluid to come out and be collected in a large pan. The coolant in the expansion bottle should drain out first and once it has left the bottle you can remove the radiator cap to speed the draining of the rest of the coolant. When the system stops draining close the petcock and do whatever further servicing you need to accomplish before refilling it.
To refill it add 50/50 antifreeze-water mixture to the radiator at the cap opening until full. Put on the radiator cap. Then fill expansion bottle to a level between the cold and hot mark. Check the system, after after driving it and allowing a cool down, to verify the level of coolant in the expansion bottle, as trapped air in the system will be released during this time which may result in too low a coolant level in the bottle.