Chrysler Repair: 2001 Sebring wont start, crysler sebring, jumper cables

I have a 2001 Crysler Sebring Convertible.  I recently returned from a 6 week vacation to find my car will not start.  There is no clicking, no turnover, no dash lights, nothing. The car was not driven while I was gone.  What are my options?  Thanks so much!

Hi Erika,
A modern car has some components that draw current from the battery even when it is shut down. It is recommended to remove fuse #5 from the fuse box under the dash if you aren't going to use the car for 20 days or more.
Similarly a light might have been "on" in the glove box, under the hood or the trunk which would discharge the battery. So check for that once you get the battery situation corrected.  
If the battery still has some warranty time left there is a good chance all you need to do is re-charge the battery. Unfortunately the manual I have does not identify exactly where to apply the charger cables: the battery is located in front of the left front wheel behind a splash shield which is removable. There is one post on the left front strut tower (the large structure at the left rear of the engine compartment) called the remote - post which is where the - wire from the charger would be attached. You could look around for a similar remote + post on that structure. Of you could open the rectangular power distribution box under the hood and find the fuses and attach the + wire to any of the fuses numbered 14-19. A battery charger that plugs in to a nearby wall socket is all that is needed to recharge the battery. You might check the owners manual on this subject as well as jumping (discussed below), and where to attach the jumper cables. Always attach + to + and - to -.
The other approach would be to have a neighbor with jumper cables try to jump the power to your battery so that you could start it and then drive it for about an hour to get it recharged from the on-board alternator.
Finally, you could remove the old battery and replace it with a new one if the battery were the original one that came with the vehicle in 2001. If so, it is likely nearing the end of its useful life even if you could recharge it.
Please let me know if you have other questions using the "thank and rate" tab where these is a place for comments.