Questionhi i am trying to change the evaporator on my van i have taken out all dash and now i ma stuck because the box is not coming out from outside i took the houses out which goes into evaporator most of the bolts are off there is a big meetal bar infront of it which i have not taken out seem like its holding one bolt some where at the back and do i have to take heater hoses out if you can email me back with the info i really appreciate it pic will help a lot
[email protected]
I am using the Chrysler Corp. shop manual.
Once you have the unit it the bench:
Remove the distribution housing mounting screws and separate it from the rest of the unit.
Remove blower motor cover
Remove blower motor wiring grommtet and feed wiring through blower housing
Remove blower motor screws and remove blower motor from housing
Remove recirculation door cover
Remove recirculation door
Remove screw around the perimeter of the upper housing
Do not damage the insulation barrier around the evaporator
Carefully pull up the evaporator and remove from housing
If replacing evaporator, drain and measure oil from old evaporator, and add new oil of the amount (ND8PG) to the new evaporator before installing.
I hope this is helpful.
Hi Nauman,
Yes, you do have to take the heater hoses off. I am not sure about the 'metal bar', so here is how the process is described...
Here are the steps as shown in the manual for '98
Set parking brake
Disconnect negative battery cable
Collect refrigerant from system
Remove the windshield wiper module*
Pinch off rear heater hoses if equipped
Drain coolant system, remove two heater hoses at heater core connections at fire wall, plug coolant lines
Remove ac refrigerant lines at firewall
Remove instrument panel**
Remove heater ducts
Disconnect the two upper mounts from the upper reinforcement and the lower mount from the tunnel (these are inside the van)
Remove the three nuts(in the engine compartment) securing the unit to the dash panel (one high at midline, one slightly lower at far right, one still lower in between the other two)
Disconnect the HVAC housing wiring
Pull the entire unit rearward until the studs on the unit clear the dash panel. Drop the unit down. Then pull it from the vehicle.
When reinstalling use new o-rings on the plumbing
*To do this, you have to remove the wiper arms, remove the cowl grille covering, open the hood, disconnect wire from unit, disconnect washer hose, disconnect drain tubes on bottom of unit, remove nuts holding unit to lower windshield fence, remove bolts holding wiper unit to dash panel, left wiper unit from studs, do not set unit on master brake reservoir but instead remove it.
**The steps for removing the dash are very numberous (25) so maybe there is something there that needs to be done. It would be a long process to type that in, but let me know if this doesn't help you.