Chrysler Repair: Timing Problems: distributor-based system, chrysler new yorker, distributor shaft
QuestionI have a 1986 Chrysler New Yorker 2.2L MPFI Turbo. I have replaced the Logic Module and Power Module and all sensors. I have a timing problem. It has been like this since I have had the car. The timing marks are on by factory specifications, the Cam, Crank and Distributer cog gear. The problem happening is when you try to time it, the timing mark bounches around. I unhooked the coolant sensor as the manual says to time it. Is there something not told in the manuals to why I have this problem? How can I stabalize the timing mark so I can get an accurate setting on the timing?
AnswerHi Robert,
My suspicion is that the distributor shaft/bushing play exceeds the spec of 0.1mm and if that were so you would need to either rebuild that part of it are replace the distributor. That is the only reason I can see for such a problem, unless there is also too much wear on the sprockets that drive the cam shaft. So check the side play of the distriutor shaft to see if it exceecs the spec.
Hi Robert
Thanks for the report back and kind evaluation. What do you believe needs to be done to correct the play in the intermediate shaft? and is that axial play or radial play? Or was the problem with the gear on the end of the distributor?