Chrysler Repair: 1993 voyager squeal, crankshaft pulley, manual roland
QuestionI have 93 voyager that has a squealing noise coming from the pulleys i have replaced the tensioner,idler pulley,a/c,water pump i thought it was either the tensioner or idler but the van needed a new water pump and a/c but it seems to be when you put tension on the engine it starts sqeauling like when i turn on the a/c it starts squealing or when i turn the steering wheel with the a/c on it will stop squealing for a second it's coming from the front of the engine i'm thinking it's the crankshaft pulley because everything else has been replaced if i put anymore new parts in this engine i will soon have a 2008 voyager lol thanks for any help
AnswerHi Marty,
Have you replaced the drive belt(s) at the same time as they might look ok but have a fatigue-hardened inner surface in contact witht he pulleys? It would be good to localize the specific interface where the slipping is occuring which you may be able to do by means of an "ear tube". For example a length of rubber tubing which you can hold near each pulley while a helper causes the squeal, while you listen at the other end of the tube (and with your free muffled so as to focus to the sound coming from the tube). Once you find which is squealing you can check that device as to whether it might have bad bearings. If you will tell me which size engine you have I might have some info about belt tensions. I have the '93 shop manual.