Chrysler Repair: P1494 leak detection pump solenoid circuit, volt ohmmeter, warranty period

I got a code p1495 leak det. pump soloriod circuit open/short.I had the same code six(6) months ago the repair shop said they repaid it by replacing my fule pump now the repair shop is telling me i need another fule pump. is it the fule pump or somthing else

Hi Kurt,
You didn't mention the year or model so I can't be certain, but it could be the pump again, or it could be a short to ground or an 'open' in the solenoid circuit to the pump, or even a problem with the power to the solenoid circuit. I would inquire about the warranty of the replacement pump...could it be 1 year? Let me know the year, model of the vehicle and I can tell you more precisely and also tell me if you have a volt-ohmmeter so you can check out the other possibilities than the pump? And do check out the warranty period as it could be replaced for free, at least the part price.