Chrysler Repair: 1999 concorde lxi engine dies after 7-10 minutes of driving, concorde lxi, 4 digit numbers
QuestionWhen starting out to work (37 miles one way) 1999 Concorde lxi runs fine for about 7-10 minutes, then just dies. The cruise control light comes on sometimes but no check engine light. I pull over and turn key off and start right back up and car will go all the way to work just fine like nothing happened. Could the PCM be cutting out because of a sensor problem (or short in a sensor)? Any ideas?
AnswerHi Tim,
It could be temperature-sensitive failure of one of the ignition sensors, though those usually have to cool off for a few minutes before working again. Or it could be an internal failure of one of the contacts in the ignition switch that is opening up the current flow to the computer or some other necessary component. I would be inclined to check the key operating fuses for voltage (using a voltmeter or simple 12V glow light with the wires between the fuse and any nearby shiny metal structural surface) which are supplied from the ignition switch when you are in the failed state (before turning off the ignition switch!) They are: 4,5,6,1,8,14 in the fuse block behind the dash. Remove the left end cap of the dash (open the door to remove cap) to get to that box. Those all should be "hot" when the ignition is in the "run" position.
The other thing to do is get a fault code readout for anything abnormal that the pcm may have noticed. Autozone parts stores will do that for free or an independent shop will do it for about $40. Let me know what 4-digit numbers come up, one of which may identify a failing sensor.