Chrysler Repair: 1991 new yorker 5th ave electronic dash, chrysler lebaron, soldering pencil
Questioni have a 91 new yorker 5th ave with 3.3ltr. the digital instruments have went blank. all other systems seem to be working fine... warning light, indicators, engine and tranny operate fine. i checked door oopen sensor and seems fine as well. even the bell for kiy in ignition when door open works. the only error codes i get is 12 and 55 which i learned from previos answers dont' apply. i even tried the self test on the odo but it stays blank also. i still can drive the car fine but i have to use mt TomTom to see my mph. don't want speeding any advice would be great. thanks
AnswerHi David,
The fuses that supply the dash are #'s 5,8,12 so check those for any possibility of a subtle crack if not for blown. Other than that you could remove the cluster and check the printed circuit board/plug socket interconnect solder joints for a possible "cold" connection that has opened up. Reheat such a joint with a soldering pencil, or better yet touch up all the joints. Finally would be to have a rebuilder give it a try. If you check at yahoo autos group called The Chrysler Lebaron Club there have been a couple of mentions of such businesses.