Chrysler Repair: 2000 Plymoth Breeze steering column, plymoth breeze, fritzie

My husband put his work phone,a Nextel, on the dash just above the column and somehow it sliped down the column into the car.How can we take the column apart to retrieve the phone.

Hi Fritzie,
I haven't ever tried to remove the steering column shrouds (upper and lower) which may be hiding the phone. I can't be certain exactly where the phone ended up without seeing a car or a manual that shows it in detail.  I can xerox 4 pages from the manual that show how to remove the steering column most of the way, and then you might follow that far enough to get where you need to retrieve the phone. It may be possible to short-cut the process but I can't be sure:
If you notice on the underside of the column, just in front of the steering wheel, there are a couple of recessed screws. Try removing those to see if that might give you any access:  after removing the screws, first remove the upper cover, then use the tilt lever to raise the column to its higest point and then remove the lower cover.  If that doesn't work, then I will send those pages to you by US mail if that is satisfactory.  Use the "thank and rate" tab where you will find a comment section to enter a postal mailing address.