Chrysler Repair: 1998 T&C w/3.8 starting/stalling/shutdown, 4 digit numbers, independent shop

QUESTION: My 98 t&c occasionally won't keep running after starting. This happens after driving for awhile and it sits for some time. It will die like it isn't getting gas.  If the car sits 2 hours or more it will then start and run perfectly.  Last time this happened I tried and tried to keep it running and the ignition completely failed to where it wasnt even sending power to the starter.  Two hours later, it started right up and ran like a champ.  This has happened three times in the last month. The dealer is totally lost getting me to do things like some new download to the computer, change the trany fluid and replace the wiring harness.

The first step is to get a fault code readout from the computer if the dealer hasn't done it, or told you the results of their readout. It is free at an Autozone parts store or maybe for $40 at an independent shop. Get the 4 digit numbers, what they mean, what they recommend doing, and how much? Then write back and we'll compare notes and go from there.
If the dealer has done the readout look at the receipts for those should state the fault codes.
I don't quite get the timing sequence as to when the engine stalls, typically: from a cold start how soon, after a normal shut down from warm how soon was it tried and refused to start, after a failure to restart how soon before it would start and run normally?
The starter motor is of course a separate issue from the engine running; it that a frequent problem too?
Maybe a recounting of the three past month experiences will be helpful for me to give you further advice.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: First of all there is no routine for this car's problem. Generally, after driving and parking like to have lunch, when I come back out it will fire and immediately die like the idle control isn't working.  No matter how many times you re-start it, it dies immediately.  This last time I attempted re-starting multiple times and suddenly the starter would not fire at all.  I will get you the codes.  Is it possible that the alarm computer is giving a "no start" signal to the main computer?

Hi Jay,
Yes, the start and die in 1-3 seconds is exactly what happens when the theft system is alarmed. The system is unfortunately integrated into the body computer which handles many other functions so you can't disconnect it. But if you will adopt the practice of only using the mechanical (hand) operated push buttons (the old-fashioned way) to secure the car then the theft system will not be activated at all. Don't use the remote, the door key, or the power door locks when leaving the car.  Then see if the problem has been solved. If so, then the issue is to figure out why it is alarming falsely. The starter motor probably got overheated is the reason for that other problem.