Chrysler Repair: 2001 Chrysler Concord:trans in limp mode, chrysler concord, pcm

Auto trans is staying in first or second gear, fluid is full, and engine light is on is trans junk or is it a po700 code or wiring problem

Hi Doug,
It is unclear to me from your statement as to whether or not you have a P0700 code. If you do, then that points toward a fault with the trans control module IF there is no other trans codes stored in the memory. So the bottom line is that. If you don't know the codes, then get a readout. If you do and it is only a 700 then try a new PCM. If there are other codes along with the O700 then they are the governing ones that need to be addressed.  You are clearly in limp-in mode so there will be code(s) but don't jump to any conclusion.