Chrysler Repair: Running rough when warm, wire splice, white signal
Questionokay so I did your tests and everything was as it should be .The CTS was a little erratic so I changed it anyway but the ref voltage at the CTS is around 3-4v so I did some research and found that the square plug at the back of the battery through which the wire passes was burnt and the insulation on several wires was stripped back by melting so i covered the wires with tape and cut the CTS ref wire from either side of the block and straight connected it but when I tested the Black & Tan wire there was 12v present on it and now i get the original 22 code (CTS voltage ) I also get a 26 & 27 both of which apply to injector bank right? more wires melted you think maybe? I should trace them back perhaps to find the short or do you have any more info I would find useful .You have been a tremendous help thus far .Oh by the way I have been accepted as an expert on the site but I have been put in the Chrysler category because I was on your page when I volunteered I need to be in the European Category - thanks Paul
AnswerHi Paul,
Yes the codes 26 and 27 are about injector circuit. I don't see a black/tan whire (which I believe would be actually shown as a tan*= tan trace wire, because black is not mentioned when it is the base color of a traced wire). It could be an error in the wiring diagram though or perhaps a wire harness error becuase there is shown to be a tan wire that is supposed to be involved in a 4-wire plug that services the #2 and #3 injectors (changes to brown color wire on the other side of that 4-wire plug). Is that the one you were talking about?
I don't find a 4-wire plug related to the CTS. Its tan/white signal wire goes directly to pin 2 of the smec, and its black/light blue goes to a 5-wire splice that has one wire that goes to pin 4 of the smec which is listed as a 'sensor return' for several other sensors. That must be the common voltage source for all those sensors.
Welcome aboard as an "expert"! If you will use the "tech support" tab on the expert's home page you can ask them to re-assign you to the proper category. A gentleman named JongFeng has been a great help there. Darn, I thought we had another Chrysler expert.