Chrysler Repair: 2001 sebring 2.7, gear transmission, answer check

QUESTION: Transmission hesitates about 5 seconds before going into gear.  Once you get out on the open road it seems fine, until you slow down and it hesitates before going back into gear.  Transmission fluid was changed and no different results.  Also the speedometer and tach stopped working the same time the tranny fluid and filter were changed.  Sounds like all these are connected somewhere.  Please help.

ANSWER: check engine light on?

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QUESTION: What kind of answer is that?  That's not what I asked.  Your not much help at all.

ANSWER: because  if the check engine light was on I wanted to know what the codes were and I would be able to tell u if what I was thinking was correct and what u needed to do.

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QUESTION: The only thing that came on was a No Bus on the odometer area.

if that info was given the first go around the question I asked would not have been asked in the first place   U have a wire,computer  or a sensor taking down a computer causing one of the computers to stop commutation on the network. I would advise taking it to a dealer.