Chrysler Repair: 2003 T & C: radiator fan motor wont shut off, radiator fan motor, dead battery

found super dead battery in van before leaving for church tonite.

Put charger on and radiator fan runs like wide open.  Before hooking up the
charger, the radiator fan was not running at all because the battery was so

but I could hear another fan running slowly someplace in the engine compartment

tried to disconnect wire to fan at the fan , got the retainer plastic clip out
but wire jack will not slip offof white plastic piece on fan,
Afraid to put too much force on it because it may break fan connector

Question:  Did you ever take your fan off?
                Should I just drive the connector off?
Do you have any idea what module may be bad?

Hi Ralph,
The fan is controlled as far as the power to it is concerned by a relay that is mounted on the frame, I believe below the left side headlight housing. It is a "solid state" device and to be cooled it has to be external to the usual relay box setting. You can probably find it by following the fan motor wires that come from it. Just replace that relay and you should solve the problem.
I am sorry to be so slow in responding to your question. It was put in the "pool" after a long delay so i just saw it recently.