Chrysler Repair: overheating problem, no radiator fan, 94 LH, upper radiator hose, amp fuse
QuestionQUESTION: i wrote you about my 94' chrysler concorde and you suggested checking my fans,well i did that and they did not kick on so what do i need to do now or have checked.thank you.
ANSWER: Hi Jennifer,
There is a 20 Amp fuse in the power distribution box under the hood near the battery that power the fans. It is the second from the front on the inside row of fuses. Check that, looking to see that it isn't either blown or has a subtle crack in the wire. If that is OK then we need to examing the coolant temp sensor on the top front of the engine where the fat upper radiator hose connects (3.3L engine).
Sorry to be slow in responding. Your question was referred to the "pool" recently where I just noticed it.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: well i put the sensor in today and it seems to work somewhat it will go to the half way mark and doesn't seem to fo any further,so do you think i got the problem fixed or do i need to go further in the work? thank you for your patience and time. jennifer
AnswerHi Jennifer,
That sounds like you have it fixed if it is not pushing up to the H reading, and while it is at the 1/2 scale or so reading why not pull over and leave the engine running, then open the hood and see if one or both fans are going or begin to do so. That would prove that the fans are being called into play. One fan will come on first and as the heat dissipation requirements push the engine temp up higher the second fan will come on. That is how the system is designed to function.