Chrysler Repair: 1993 Chrysler LeBaron - Radio works intermittently, 1993 chrysler lebaron, chrysler lebaron

Over the past few months, the radio on my 1993 Chrysler LeBaron has been working intermittently.  I can turn it on for a few minutes then it shorts out some how and stops.  I can then turn it off and back on again and it works fine for a few minutes.  Is the radio just going bad or is there something else I should be investigating?

Hi Jason,
The main power for the radio comes from fuse 27 in the convertible LeBaron or fuse 20 in the LeBaron sedan. Look closely at the power fuse to see if it might have a subtle crack which would open and close when put into use. If the that looks to be normal, then I would believe you have a flaky radio power supply. If you have the high-end radio there are also fuses for remote amp and for the speakers. So let me know whether you do, and if so which car, and whether the radio appears to go off or just the sound to stop while the panel remains normal.