QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kevin - I appreciate the help. I have a 2000 Chrysler Condcorde. We bought it used about 4 years ago. It had 19k miles on it. I drive a long way to work and so now, four years later it has 132,500 miles on it.
Recently, on occasion, when stopped (at a light) the engine RPM drops below 500 rpm and the oil light flickers.
I change the oil every 4000-6000 miles but don't want to be stuck if the engine is building up sludge etc.
Anything I can do to check this out or fix it?
Thanks so much,
P.S. We've been trying to decide on trading this in, or keeping it a while longer (but want to be sure it'll keep running and be safe). I've had no major (or minor) repairs that I can recall with this car so far and almost all the mileage I've put on it is highway miles. Any preventative maintenance you definately recommend to keep it going another 100k miles? Thanks!
ANSWER: what engine size?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry - 2.7L. Also, this weekend I took it to Autozone and got a free diagnostic check (well, whatever you call it when they plug in the computer code checking tool) and it came up clear - no codes.
ANSWER: NO: 08-36-99
SUBJECT: Engine Oil Pressure Light Flicker
DATE: Oct. 15, 1999
This bulletin involves adding a terminal/wire/vent to the oil pressure switch connector.
With a hot engine the oil pressure light may be on or flicker on at idle.
Verify engine oil pressure as described on page 9-21 of the 1999 Concorde/Intrepid/LHS/300M service manual (Publication No. 81-270-9140). If engine oil pressure is within specification perform the Repair Procedure.
Qty Part No. Description
1 05017800AA Wire Terminal/Vent
Raise vehicle on a suitable hoist.
Remove engine oil pressure switch connector from switch.
Remove sealing dart from the empty cavity at the rear of the connector.
Pull terminal locking ring outward from front (switch) side of connector to gain access to terminal locking tabs.
Install wire terminal/vent, p/n 05017800AA, in place of the removed sealing dart. Slide locking ring back into place.
Attach the connector back on the oil pressure switch.
Spot tape the wire/vent to follow the harness towards the top of the engine compartment.
Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Kevin. This appears to be a TSB for this car then? Is this something I could do (sounds simple enough) or should I take this TSB to a dealer and ask them to do it?
Should I change the sensor itself while adding this part? (What does this do, just bleed off excess oil?)
And what does the last line "Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty" mean? If I had an extended warranty would it cover all TSB work?
AnswerU can do it yourself takes 5 min replace the oil pressure switch if its leaking yes. the last line is if it is done under warranty and no I can no say if U have one or not its not a recall so if U are out of 3 36 or have some sorta after market one it wont be covered.