Chrysler Repair: release cable????, jeep grand cherokee laredo, jeep grand cherokee
Questionhow do i open the hood of a 98 jeep grand cherokee laredo if the release cable is broken...when i pull the hood release u can hear the latch but it wont open is there any way i can go thru the grill or ?????please help
AnswerHi Kodie,
I don't claim to have any expertise about Jeeps but usually if you get under the front of the vehicle and look up either in front of the radiator or behind the radiator you should see the hood latck mechanism. And there is a latch lever that when pushed toward the driver's side of the vehicle the latch will open. Have a helper operate the release while you look up so you might see the cable (with its tip broken) move and that will direct you toward that lever. I hope this helps.