Chrysler Repair: 99 Plymouth Breeze: trans in limp-in, plymouth breeze, input sensor
QuestionI have a 99 Plymouth Breeze that I ran the engine codes on and it came back that the input speed sensor was at fault or the tcm was bad. I replaced the sensor and the tcm and changed the fluid and filter and we are still having the same problem. The car starts out shifting fine and after 15-20 minutes of driving the car shifts to 1st gear and locks in. After pulling over and shutting car off for a couple minutes it resets and shifts fine until it goes to downshift then it shifts hard back into 1st and locks again. Any ideas would help. Thanks Jeff
AnswerChecking the wires between the input sensor and the tcm would be one thing to do. The orange/yellow should be connected to pin 52 and the dark blue/red to pin 13 of the plug. Also examine the pins to be sure they are clean and straight.
If that checks out, then about the only thing left to do is read out the codes again. Autozone parts stores will often do that for free. Without a fresh fault code to go by it is daunting to resolve a "limp-in" mode situation. There should be a code when you have that behavior.