Chrysler Repair: 2000 Town & Country:occasional no starts, jerdan, far ends

QUESTION: In the past couple of weeks our 2000 T&C has occasionally not started requiring it to be towed.  Each time it is towed it arrives at the mechanic and it can be started.  The battery is fine, new starter, new starter relay & ignition switch most recently.  There is not rhyme or reason and no forewarning when it won't start.  No one can find anything wrong, so are last deduction is that there is a short/loose wire etc.  Any thoughts or suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Lisa,
If by not 'starting' you mean no starter motor function, then about the only other reasons for that would be a slightly out of adjustment gear shifter/transmission lever connection which you could check by trying to move the shifter slightly off-center from the park position, or also try to start in neutral position. The ground connections of the wires attached to the - post clamp at the battery might also be loose or corroded so check those at their far ends where they attach to the engine and the body.
If on the other hand you mean the engine starter will crank but it won't fire up, then that may be due to a failing enging rotational position sensor, which is what they begin to exhibit when they are breaking down (stop running or failure to start in an unpredictable pattern).
So consider those possibilities and tell me more about whether it is the starter motor or the failure to fire up. Very different problems....

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Yes, no starter motor function.  One of the two most recent times this happened the mechanic checked this as a possibility, but the car always started for them, so it was a little difficult to see exactly what was happening.  Two days later it wouldn't start again - car was loaded on JerDan and started once dropped off at the lot.  The loading and unloading on JerDan has us thinking that it is something that is lose - not making a full connection and gets jostled back and it able to start.  We'll take your suggestion when the car doesn't start to see if that helps.  Is this something that we can fix ourselves?

Yes, either way. A loose or corroded ground connection or even a loose battery clamp is straightforward, BUT do not touch the + post clamp to check it with any metal object so as to avoid a short circuit/burn. Disconnect the - clamp first before touching the + post with a tool.
If you find that moving the shift lever slight;y to either side of the detent causes it to now work, then a simple adjustment of the cable sheath clamp at the transmission is all that is needed. Given the history of ignition switch, starter, relay, battery replacements that is about all that is left except something subtle like the wire between the relay and the starter solenoid. When it doesn't start, open the hood, then open the box near the battery where there are fuses and relays and have a helper try the starter again. Listen for a click noise to come from the starter relay. If you hear that, then either the relay's points are not connecting as they should, or the wire to the starter solenoid is loose. If you don't get a click, then either the adjustment in the shifter is needed, or possibly the internal switch in the transmission which is needed to close the circuit to operate the relay is not making good contact. But try neutral as a starting position. That would avoid having to deal with the internal switch in the transmission if that is the cause.