Chrysler Repair: 1998 Chrysler Town&Country LXI 3.8L, chrysler town, car guy
QuestionRecently our 1998 Chrysler T&C quit running. After some book dignois and actual testing there is no ign. spark from the PCM. My question: is there anything other than the PCM that would prevent spark to the ign. module? Also, if the PCM is bad, where or how do I go about repair or replacement? (I was told that this PCM might have to be shipped somewhere for repair and reprogramming - is this true?) I'm a car guy from the old days and need help on this one!! Thx - Findley
Answerthe PCM gives the ground to the coil the ASD relay gives it power when the key is on. Check for the ground at the coil when U are trying to start it up. As for the PCM I dont know of any places that repair them U get a new one and then they send it off to have a place check the circuit board.