QuestionI did my code again. It is 32 55.
AnswerHi Amy,
I rechecked and found an '85 manual that shows the 32 code (which wasn't used after that year) is supposed to say there is something wrong with the circuit that operates that check engine light itself.
I don't know whether to believe that, and nothing is provided as to what to do about it. I assume that the check engine light is working (like when the engine dies, or you first turn the key to run position before starting it), and if 32 were the case it wouldn't be. Is that so? If the light isn't working when your engine fails, then maybe you would be needing to get a new logic module. But the fact that it will produce a code readout by flashing belies that.
I was thinking that you might have has 1 pause, 1 pause, 1 pause folled by 2 flashes and a pause followed by the 5's.
You might have seen the three single flashes as a "3" rather than as thre '1's. So could it be 11, 12, rather than 32?
The 11 would mean that the hall effect pick up assembly in the distributor is failing. What you described about the problem leads me to believe that is the cause.
The 12 code appears regularly because it means a battery disconnection sometime in the past 100 engine starts, so except for checking the clamps there is not much else to do. So check to see if the clamps are tight.
If you continue to get the engine dieing and then after a few minutes to cool down, restarting, then that is pretty much what happens when a hall effect sensor is deteriorating. It is an easy replacement just requiring removal of the distributor cap and disconnecting a plug.