Chrysler Repair: 2000 cirrus: AC control panel lights dont work, fuse box, orange wire

My climate control panel lights do not work,i have put in new bulbs,but still no lights,any suggestions?

Hi Mike,
I don't have a manual as new as 2000 but in the '96 manual it shows the supply for the lights comes from an orange wire on pin 2 of the black 7-pin plug. A second wire goes to the lamp at the ash receiver, so if that light is also "out" then the voltage is not reaching the orange wire. That wire is connected to pin 9 of the white plug of the body controller. The body controller is mated with the fuse box ('junction block') that is under the dash. See if you can reach that plug without removal of the entire module. If not, write back for details. The cluster, radio, and gear shift lights are all controlled from the body module, but there are 3 other wires for those. I would suspect either the wire or a break in the circuit board trace that connects pin 7 to the bulbs in the AC control so if you find voltage at pin 7 the board trace would be the likely cause.