Chrysler Repair: 1998 voyager over heated and seized, head gasket leak, crankshaft pulley
Questiondo i need new engine if so where from cheap with history or whats prob
AnswerHi Emma,
You may not need a new engine, based on the history. If you overheated first it could have been a coolant leak that caused that.
If you or a friend can remove all the spark plugs do so; try cranking it then, or turning it by hand with a socket and breaker bar on the crankshaft pulley nut. Watch carefully so that if it does crank by the starter motor or by the bar to see if you get water (coolant) spurting out of one of the spark plug holes. That would show that the reason it wouldn't crank was because you have either a head gasket leak or possibly a cracked head or worse yet a cracked block and the reason it wouldn't crank was because the coolant had leaked into a combustion chamber, filled it, and then the engine tried to compress water which of course it can't do and thus the seizure. So it could be nothing worse than a head gasket, but only by taking off the cylinder head on the side that spurts water and examing the head, gasket and block will you know which. Don't rush to find a used engine. Do this diagnosis first and save yourself possible a lot of unnecessary expense and grief.