Chrysler Repair: 2005 / chrysler300, chrysler300, fuel pump

Ater pulling away from a stop my 300 stalled- took couple attempts to restart. Also noticed that when I put key in ignition-Put in key-1st click silent-next click there's a sound like a motor for app 5 secs and then when key is completely turned I don't know if sound still there as car is running-Please help as I can't remember if car should do this or if I'm just over reacting after car stalled

Hi Pam,
The sound that you hear when the key is in the 'run' position (but the engine not yet started) is the fuel pump which is located in the fuel tank. It runs for a few seconds, then should stop (as a safety feature if the engine is not started) but then when you move the key to the start position the fuel pump should run again (but you probably can't hear it during the starting process or even subsequently after the engine is started). The fuel pump does operate when the key is in the 'run' position so long as the engine is itself running, it only during that first start up operation that it runs for a few moments and then stop if you don't go on to try the starter.
So you may just be over-reacting to your experience.