Chrysler Repair: 1997 T&C LXi AWD Code 54, dodge chrysler jeep, cam shaft

QUESTION: I recently replaced my ECU (DIY/rebuilt) at the recommendation of a trusted shop (they didn't want to sell me one - they recommended the dealer). It was a no engine turn-over and stall issue with crazy dash light syndrome. As I recall there were a multitude of codes set at the time but I didn't want to repair anything until I knew the ECU was accurate.

After a few days with the new one I had a no start issue unlike before. This time it was a turn-over no fire issue. The codes were 12 and 54. The 12 may be from accidentally hitting the battery terminal when I connected the battery, but otherwise it was not disconnected. The 54 was one of the codes from before. Any recommendations on the cam shaft sensor repair and is there anything else I should consider before I proceed?

ANSWER: I dont know what mil codes are sorry.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Let me make sure I understand this forum. I understand the "free advise" disclaimer. I'm OK with that.

So I ask a question and the Expert Answer is I don't know what the codes are (full answer below) but continues on to suggest that he work on my vehicle as his side job.

I haven't decided if I should be angry that the free advise was really a trap for new customers to the expert's side biz, or if this is just hysterically funny that the expert doesn't know the codes but suggests I should trust  him to fix it! Readers vote via reply!

Answer   I dont know what mil codes are sorry.

 I do side work for Dodge,Chrysler,Jeep I can perform any mechanical repair on cars  most can be done at your place or mine. I live in ATLANTA
[email protected]  

if U get me a Chrysler code or a pcode I can help U   the key on key off deal was there for consumers who want to know what the light is. Why would I need to know what the codes are when U do that  when I have a 4500.00 scanner from Chrysler that will give me all the info I need. Plus all my Chrysler manuals and such do not give me any mil code reference so like I said  I dont know what mil codes are I have no reference to them.