Chrysler Repair: air bag and horn not working, clockspring, steering column
Questionmy cryselr air bag light rimein on and horn not working
AnswerHi Jorge,
You didn't tell me the year or model of the vehicle so I can't be too specific. It would appear that the flexible electrical coupling between the steering wheel and the steering column has failed. It is called the "clockspring". If you have a '95-99 minivan then you may be in luck because there was a recall by Chrysler which means you can get it replaced at no charge. You could check at the Chrysler website, to see if their "recall" list might include you vehicle as well.
But in any case, with both the horn and air bag light involved, it almost certain is the clockspring UNLESS there might be an electical connector along the steering column that has become unplugged. So take a look at the wiring connectors along the steering column to make sure they are coupled together properly.