Chrysler Repair: 92 Dodge Spirit, no start, dodge spirit, wd 40

QUESTION: Ok, I went out and did what you said. The code is 39. I looked at that website you sent but there was no 39 on there.

ANSWER: Hi Derrick,
Try it again. Watch carefuly for pause, it is only a little longer than the time between flashes. And you did get a 55 at the end, correct? Repeat the count to verify.

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QUESTION: ok, I looked at it wrong. The codes are 12 and 27. It is talking about the fuel injector right?

ANSWER: That is correct. I would check that the wire from the injector to the engine controller/coil are patent, using an ohm-meter or continuity checker. The dark green/orange should be connected to the same color wire at the coil on the + post, and the other wire (white/dark blue) is connected to pin 16 on the 60-way plug at the engine controller. Also, while a helper is cranking see if you are getting any fine mist like spray from the injector as it impinges on the throttle plate. Also check that the resistance across the injector pins is about 1 ohm.
Also, check that the egr valve stem is moving freely. That valve is on the front right corner of the engine (essentially between the engine and the fire wall). There is a valve stem located between the round top and the body of the valve, concealed partially by at flange. Use a screwdriver in the slot of the valve stem to move it back and forth, against spring-action in one direction that closes the valve. It it doesn't close all the way, then spray some WD-40 on the stem and wiggle it some more.
Those are some ideas.
Let me know what you learn.

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QUESTION: Ok. So I looked at it and put a new one on and it still wont start. I check to see if the cadillac converter was clog and it wasnt. So what should I check next?

I am unclear what new part you put on. Please be specific.
Have you checked for spark while you are cranking it over?
How did the fuel spray patten appear when you were having someone crank it while you looked? Was there drips of gas after the cranking ended?
Try disconnecting the battery for a minute which will cancel the fault codes. Then reattach and try cranking again. See if you get any codes other than 12 and 55.
The last possibility is that you have a sensor that is not accurate but not so bad as to set a fault code. I have that happen with my MAP sensor. But without a Chrsler or similar code reader you can't detect that. But if all else fails to explain the no start, you may have to go that route. Try all the other things I have listed above.