Chrysler Repair: 1996 plymouth voyager-no radio,interior lights,headlights when key in off position, plymouth voyager, fuse box

no headlights,no interior lights and radio when key rdio at anytime...what is wrong...I installed a new deck and when I was finished the deck was workig fine...all of a sudden it powered off and I realized my lights and stuff wouldnt work unless I turned the key forward.

Hi Desiree,
The body computer is involved in operating all the lights you speak of as well as the radio illumination. I would suggest that you look under the dash on the left side for the fuse box and see if either fuses 1, 3, or 8 are blown. If so replace the fuse and see if it blows again. It could be that the radio installation is improper or the current demand of the radio is such as to require a larger fuse in the position.