QuestionHow do I remove airbag assembly from 97 ply breeze?
I found the two screws behind the wheel but I can't get them loose.
What tool will drive them? phillips, torx or what?
and I know to discommect the battery and wait 10 mins. for the air bag system to discharge.
Is 10 min. long enough?
When removing a deployed Driver Airbag Module, rubber gloves, eye protection and long sleeves should be worn. There may be deposits on the surface that could irritate the skin and eyes.
Disconnect and isolate the battery negative remote cable Disconnect Battery Negative Remote Cable
Remove the Driver Airbag Module attaching T-30 Torx bolts from back side of the steering wheel Driver Airbag Module Lift the module and disconnect the wire by:
Lifting the secondary latch.
Disconnect the connector from back of the Driver Airbag Module using the finger grips. Use care not to pull on wires. Never use a metallic tool to pry off the connector.
Remove the speed control switch screws from the back of the steering wheel. Pull the switch pods out and disconnect the wires.
Disconnect the horn wire from the airbag mounting bracket. Remove the speed control wires from the wire guides.
When replacing a deployed Driver Airbag Module, the clockspring must also be replaced. Refer to Clockspring Removal and Installation for the proper procedure.
Connect horn wire to the Driver Airbag Module mounting bracket. Connector Driver Airbag Module connector to the back of the module. Make airbag connection by pressing straight in on the connector. The connector should be fully seated to ensure a positive connection. Ensure that the wires do not get pinched during installation.
Install the two module bolts and tighten to 9 to 10 N·m (80 to 90 in. lbs.) torque.
Connect wire connectors to the speed control switches and install the switches. Tighten the screws to 0.7 to 2.7 N·m (6 to 24 in lbs.) Do not connect battery negative remote cable. Refer to Diagnosis and Testing for Airbag System Test procedures