Chrysler Repair: Installing a teneion pully assembly 1997 Plymouth Grand Voygeur 3.3L, grand voyageur, foot extension
QuestionNeed info on installing a tension pully assembly (that is connected to the alternator) on a 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyageur 3.3L. A diagram would also help.
AnswerWell I'm having difficulty with a diagram but if you remove the belt which him sure you already have done. the tension bolts in from the rear of the engine so if your under the van and look up from the rear of the engine you can see the back side of the cylinder head well under that on the passenger side near the alternator you will find the alternator bolts and right under those set of bolt about an inch under them you will find 1 15 mm nut thats the nut that holds the tensioner on I normally use a 15mm socket with a swivel end and a 3 foot extension you don't have to use a 3 foot extension but normally the van is up on a lift and it makes it easy for me. you cant miss the bolt and when putting the new one on make sure the little guide on the tensioner is in the guide slot which you will see on the tensioner what I'm talking about is it has to fit flush with bracket