Chrysler Repair: 2001 T&C Dash Warning Lights and Gauges, wire colors, fuse box

The brake and ABS warning lights were intermittently coming on for several days.  I checked the fluid levels.  The yesterday, while driving, ALL of the warning lights came on and the gauges stopped working!  Everything else continued to work and I drove home.  I checked the relays and fuses and didn't find anything, but everything is now working. I also checked for fault codes...none.  Any ideas?

Hi Al,
You might want to check fuse 2 in the fuse box under the dash to see if it might have a crack in the wire or is not seated tightly. If that proves out, then my suspicion is that the digital data signals required to operate the lights and gauges are not getting to the circuit board of the cluster either due to a bad connection in the plug or a cold solder joint at the pins 9 or 10 of its plug, or a crack in a trace on the board for those two wires which carry the digital data to operate the dash. The fact that the rest of van continued normally suggests the data bus outside from the dash is still functioning as it should. The wire colors are violet/brown and white/black.