Chrysler Repair: 95 cirrus wont start, chrysler cirrus, code translation

my 95 Chrysler cirrus just got a new battery and alternator in the morning cold it wont start all the lights and radio work it turns over with no sound does anyone have any suggestions please what is wrong with my car?

Hi Tiffany,
I am not clear as to whether the starter motor is turning the engine or not because you said "it turns over with no sound". What sound is missing?
I will assume that it is turning over but that the engine but just not 'catching and idling'. If that is the case take your ignition key and turn the ignition "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less. Then watch the check engine light which remains "on" to begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat to get an accurate set of counts. Then group the counts in pairs in the order they appeared to form two-digit fault code numbers. The last number is always 55 because it is the code for "end of readout". Then either write back with the other code numbers or go to for a code translation which will tell you what part of the engine is responsible for it not starting. I can give you specifics if you give me the codes. I assume you have the 2.5L V-6 engine, correct? If the starter motor isn't turning over the engine let me know that.