Chrysler Repair: 1997 Chrysler Sebring LXI convertible, chrysler sebring lxi, 1997 chrysler sebring lxi
I recently bought my daughter her first car, and chose a 1997 Sebring. She has had it only one month, and we have encountered several problems.
First of all, the passenger window was stuck down. My husband replaced the motor, but the power to the window is still intermittent.
Secondly, she left her lights on and drained the battery. The car started right away upon charging the battery, but dies when your foot is off the gas. It will start right away after it dies, but continues to idle funny and die whenever your foot is off the gas. We took it in to a local repair shop who hooked it up to computer diagnostic equipment and they couldn't diagnose the problem.
Any suggestions??
Answerfor the motor issue see if u infact have power and ground at the motor when u it the switch.
the stalling issue keep your foot on teh gas and slowly let off until it reaches the idel with out U having your foot on the gas the IAC needs to learn where it needs to go and is not that fast to correct a change from u not holding your foot on the gas. Might also need to have a new battery installed depends on how old the one u have is.